Tanzania is a country rife with political corruption and turmoil. The city of Dar es Salaam is its
largest urban area, filled with unemployed inhabitants and slum areas that appear to be
forgotten by both God and government. Our message to Tanzania is that it has NOT
BEEN forgotten and that God has included them in His plans for building His Church here on
the earth! The pastors and leaders of Tanzania are in great need of strengthening and
encouragement and we seek to bring that message to them through pastor/leader training
seminars. Another avenue that has opened for us there is the ability to fund and construct pre-
school/church plants. These rough buildings, cinderblock at best, are used during the week as
free preschool to nearby children, providing them with the Bible as well as language literacy and
ensures that they receive one meal every day. This free meal is a huge motivating factor in
parents allowing their children to attend. A local pastor and his wife serve as the preschool
teachers and on Sunday mornings the same building site is used for church meetings.
None of our Tanzanian ministries would be possible without the partnership of our close friend
and brother, Andrew Mukasa. Andrew and his wife Esther faithfully pastor a church in Boku,
Tanzania and they serve as spiritual parents and mentors to many other leaders in the
surrounding area. Pastor Andrew is a pastor to pastors. He regularly conducts evangelistic
crusades in Tanzania and Uganda and is responsible for overseeing the preschool/church
plants we are privileged to share in. Our role in partnering with Pastor Andrew and his church,
Victory Christian Centre is to provide teaching, financial resources and locate stateside partners who
want to invest in and be a part of what God is doing among the people of Tanzania.
Contact us for more information about these projects if you would like to be a part!
You can Help
Ways you can give...
As we continue to grow in our ministry we are looking for real and tangible ways to help pastors get a start, to sustain the 3 pre-school branches we support and to continue to provide twice a year Pastor/Leader trainings. All of this is possible when others give. Click below to find a list of specific ministry needs and see a breakdown of costs.