In April of this year Jessica and I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Tanzania with Ron and Pat Riley, Jessica's parents. I had on my heart to hold a conference for Pastor Andrew's church leaders and those pastors who look to him as a spiritual covering. God specifically impressed upon me to call it, "Stewarding the Vision". I wanted these pastors and leaders to grab hold of the idea of starting a small business in order to fund the ministry God had given them- to stop looking at what they don't have and begin to look at what they do have. Just like when Moses had all the excuses of why he couldn't go to Pharaoh and God asked him, "what do you have in your hand?". We all need to stop looking at what we do not have and begin to ask God to bless what IS in our hands.
Jessica and I both ministered on stewarding what you have, sowing into good ground and then re planting some of what you harvest rather than "eating up" all of your seed and profits. These were new ideas and called upon a paradigm shift in both thought and action....and in faith. Jessica's dad brought in his business coaching expertise and presented a portion of his Gamechangers material as well. After encouraging these pastors and leaders for 3 days we ended by asking them to come up with a simple business plan and present it to us. We committed to pray over the ideas and then present them to our supporters. Through regular faithful monthly support and some one-time donations we were able to fund several of these new business proposals. This feels monumental to me because now instead of an ongoing lack of funds as a church to support the pastor, community outreach, helping those within the church, and day to day expenses they are now on their way to financial freedom. Financial freedom for what, to get more stuff? No, to be a voice and a force in their community. Instead of the church being looked at as the entity that never has anything it will now be the thing looked to for help. With the funds these pastors were given they were able to begin their businesses. Here are their stories.
Pastors Adam and Josephen Kapinga
Pastors Adam and Josephen had the vision to start a small general store. We were able to buy all of their startup items as well as pay the first 6 months rent. They sell such things as clothing, household products, and dry foods. Total given $2,000
Pastors Tony and Debra Nyamkinda
Pastors Tony and Debra had the idea to start a taxi service. We were able to buy this brand new vehicle for them. This is what they call a Tukutuku. It will not only support them personally but also will cover expenses from their church and preschool. Pastors Tony and Debra have one of three churches that also has a preschool. Total given $3,350
Sister Veronica
Sister Veronica has a unique story. She lives in a very poor predominately Muslim neighborhood. There her husband and she pastored as well as hosted one of our preschools. About a year ago her husband's mother died. The family members in the village where his mother lived put pressure on her husband to return to his village and take care of the remaining family members. He left his church and wife (Veronica) to return to the village. She is left with providing for herself as well as the church and preschool. We helped her start a small food store out of her house. This is Pastor Andrew giving her the money to begin. Total given $400
Pastor Timothy Nyamba
This motorcycle was not a business plan proposal. We were able to buy this new motorcycle for Pastor Timothy. He pastors the church in Yava Yava which is 4-5 hours from his home using public transportation. With the motorcycle he is able to get there in less than 2 hours. The church in Yava Yava is in one of the more remote villages. Pastor Timothy has been faithfully pastoring that church for years. He leaves his house on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with these precious people until he heads back to his house on Monday. He spends the nights sleeping at the church with a small mat on the cement floor. Total cost of motorcycle $1,300
New Business Opportunities
These opportunities are other ideas pastors have submitted that have not yet been funded. If you would like to be a part of helping us fund these projects you will be a part of investing into the lives and congregations of these pastors. Giving that keeps on giving! To give you can click here and make sure to note which project you are supporting. Thank you!
Chicken business. Buying chicks to feed and raise for selling. $700
Car Wash. Power washer, vacuum, car soap, etc. $600
Video Gaming Store. 3 game consoles with controllers, games, 3 TVs, gaming accessories, security cameras and LED lights. $1,200
Cement block/brick making business. This is for an entire church. Not only will it provide for the church's needs but also employ church members. Includes machines for mixing cement, forms, and start up materials. $4,500
Pray For:
Please continue to pray for Mama Tymoh. She is the wife of Pastor Timothy (pictured above). The latest doctor's report we have shows progression of the cancer. We need a miracle!
We continue to believe God for more supporters as the ministry grows in Tanzania. There are always opportunities to start more preschools, build more churches, buy more radio time and hold more pastor/leader conferences. If you want to co-labor with us please visit our giving page by clicking on this link.
Thank you for being in this with us!
William (for the Deagles)